Welcome to our "What Not" tab! Here, you can explore our exciting online shopping auction platform where we host live sales multiple times a week. With bids starting at just £1, you can easily shop for vintage, secondhand clothing from the comfort of your home. Whether you can’t attend our in-person events or don’t live near London, What Not makes it simple to find unique items and have them delivered right to your doorstep. All our items are rescued from landfill, helping to keep them in circulation and promote sustainable fashion. By using the Whatnot app, you can join our live auctions, if you create an account using the link provided, you’ll receive £10 off your first purchase! We ship items within one to two days, and our community is fantastic—you’ll have the chance to make new friends online. Many of our customers also enjoy our in-person events, where the What Not community came together to connect and meet in person. Join us for an unforgettable experience! <3